Support for Teachers

  • Are you a Florida educator looking for student resources? We’ve made requesting support from FUELS an easy process so you can spend your time focusing on what matters most: your students. Request support here.

    Our window of support is open while we have funds (we are consistently fundraising). If the window is closed we will contact you if we are still able to fill your request.

    If you have an urgent need, click below.

  • We understand that certain situations arise where meeting a student's IEP requirements demands resources beyond what educators currently possess. Often, schools and districts are unable to provide the additional resources needed. We are committed to providing an opportunity to submit immediate support requests for items outlined in a student's IEP, which educators would otherwise have to personally fund to ensure compliance with the IEP.

    Additionally, we recognize the year-round need for items to stock Care Closets, which provide essential supplies and support to students. We are also accepting requests for these items to ensure that every student has access to the resources they need to succeed.

    Apply here.

  • We are constantly looking for opportunities to partner with education providers so we can provide scholarships on topics pertinent to teachers.

    We have provided scholarships for professional development and continuing education, and are looking to form partnerships with specialists and providers of specialized topics like inclusive classrooms, mindful teaching or “conscious discipline”, “trauma-informed teaching” and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL).

    We always announce our partnerships via social media, and the opportunities via email so join our list.